Continue statement is used inside loops. Whenever a continue statement is encountered inside a loop, control directly jumps to the beginning of the loop for next iteration, skipping the execution of statements inside loop’s body for the current iteration.

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Syntax of continue statement

Example: continue statement inside for loop

C while loops statement allows to repeatedly run the same block of code until a condition is met. While loop is a most basic loop in C. While loop has one control condition, and executes as long the condition is true. The condition of the loop is tested before the body of the loop is executed, hence it is called an entry-controlled loop. I have a question regarding if & else statements in a while loop. I wanted to establish a few things in my program: wanted user to only input 4 letter characters without the use of numbers. If and else Statements in While loop' for C. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago. Active 1 year. Browse other questions tagged c if. Dec 19, 2008  Relaxing JAZZ For WORK and STUDY - Background Instrumental Concentration JAZZ for Work and Study - Duration: 2:13:09. Relax Music Recommended for you. There can be many types of nested loops in C but the mostly used nested loops are. Nested while loop. Nested do-while loop. Nested for loop. Note: There can also be very variation of nested loops where a while loop can be inside a for loop, a for loop can be inside a do-while loop and many more. Nested while.

As you can see that the output is missing the value 3, however the for loop iterate though the num value 0 to 6. This is because we have set a condition inside loop in such a way, that the continue statement is encountered when the num value is equal to 3. So for this iteration the loop skipped the cout statement and started the next iteration of loop.


I would like someone to explain the difference between a while and a do while in C I just started learning C and with this code I seem to get the same output: int number =0; while (number<. While Statement (C); 2 minutes to read +2; In this article. Executes statement repeatedly until expression evaluates to zero. Syntax while ( expression ) statement Remarks. The test of expression takes place before each execution of the loop; therefore, a. The do-while is an iterative control in C language. This loop executes one or more statements while the given condition is true. In this loop, the condition comes after the body of loop. The loop is important in a situation where a statement must be at executed at least once.

Flow Diagram of Continue Statement

Example: Use of continue in While loop


Example of continue in do-While loop


< cpp‎ language
Standard Library Headers
Freestanding and hosted implementations
Named requirements
Language support library
Concepts library(C++20)
Diagnostics library
Utilities library
Strings library
Containers library
Iterators library
Ranges library(C++20)
Algorithms library
Numerics library
Input/output library
Localizations library
Regular expressions library(C++11)
Atomic operations library(C++11)
Thread support library(C++11)
Filesystem library(C++17)
Technical Specifications
label : statement
Expression statements
expression ;
Compound statements
{ statement.. }
Selection statements
Iteration statements
range for(C++11)
Jump statements
Declaration statements
declaration ;
Try blocks
try compound-statementhandler-sequence
Transactional memory
synchronized, atomic_commit, etc(TM TS)

Executes a statement repeatedly, until the value of condition becomes false. The test takes place before each iteration.

While Statement Dev C Download


attr(optional)while (condition)statement
attr(C++11) - any number of attributes
condition - any expression which is contextually convertible to bool or a declaration of a single variable with a brace-or-equals initializer. This expression is evaluated before each iteration, and if it yields false, the loop is exited. If this is a declaration, the initializer is evaluated before each iteration, and if the value of the declared variable converts to false, the loop is exited.
statement - any statement, typically a compound statement, which is the body of the loop


If statement is a single statement (not a compound statement), the scope of variables declared in it is limited to the while loop as if it was a compound statement, in other words,

is the same as

If condition is a declaration such as T t = x, the declared variable is only in scope in the body of the loop, and is destroyed and recreated on every iteration, in other words, such while loop is equivalent to

If the execution of the loop needs to be terminated at some point, break statement can be used as terminating statement.

If the execution of the loop needs to be continued at the end of the loop body, continue statement can be used as shortcut.


As part of the C++ forward progress guarantee, the behavior is undefined if a loop that has no observable behavior (does not make calls to I/O functions, access volatile objects, or perform atomic or synchronization operations) does not terminate. Compilers are permitted to remove such loops.


Dev C++ Online



[edit]See also

C documentation for while

Dev C++ 5.11

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